Entering God's rest takes the RIGHT FORMULA! – (vv.2-3)
Entering God's rest takes the RIGHT ATTITUDE! – (vv.4-6)
Entering God's rest takes the RIGHT TIME! – (vv.7-8)
C. The AVAILABILITY! – (vv.9-10)
D. The COMMAND! – (v.11)
II. God's Rest Applied! – (4:12-13)
A. The Power of the Word! – (v.12a)
B. The Penetration of the Word! – (vv.12b-13)
Conclusion: Two Practical Suggestions
FIRST, submit to surgery of the Word!
It's necessary to enter God's rest! Don't put yourself in a position of giving the doctor advice, telling the Lord where to cut and how deep and what to take out.
SECOND, don't fight the Physician!
Trust Him! He's going to cut where it hurts, so don't kick, or scream, or slap His hand away. Remember, He's cutting because He wants you whole and healthy in His rest!